Re: [PATCH] improved/fixed CPU detection for Cyrix and AMD

Rafael Reilova (
Mon, 12 Oct 1998 14:26:52 -0400 (EDT)


> You might want to fix identify_cpu() also. amd_model() is not called if
> model_id is found in the internal list, so
> the ext. caps are not fetched if you have an AMD.

Is there a reason for this?, or just an oversight. Are the chip id string
returned by AMD so lame that a table lookup is better? ;-) JK

OK by popular demand, the following patch vs. 2.1.125, at:

attempts to fix this (UNTESTED). I don't have an AMD.

It also avoids repeating the cpuid(2,...) call many times from inside the
table lookup loop on Intel Pentiums. This is in addition to all the other
Cyrix changes (which are already in 2.1.125ac1, ie. don't apply to ac1).



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