Re: network nicety

Feuer (
Fri, 09 Oct 1998 21:48:49 -0400


Riley Williams wrote:

> Hi Simon.
> On Thu, 8 Oct 1998, Simon Kenyon wrote:
>  > On 08-Oct-98 Bob Lanning wrote:
>  >> It is very hard to implement something like this.  The data
>  >> channel for ftp has no real identification in it.  The best way of
>  >> doing this is in the application.
>  > dare i suggest that *not* being able to identify traffic is good
>  > it might only be an ftp to you, but to me it might be that upgrade
>  > of some software that will rescue me from hackers, or a new release
>  > for a customer who is threatening to sue, or ...
>  > you get my point (maybe)
> Sure - you're saying that just because you're downloading an
> application for a customer, nobody else should be able to use that
> link - and I have to say that I disagree with that viewpoint.
> IMHO, the fact that an FTP transfer will automatically grab 100% of
> the bandwidth of one's primary link given the slightest chance can
> only be bad - and the same applies to any other protocol. What I'd
> like to see is some form of bandwidth limiting system which prevents
> any one protocol from grabbing more than 90% of the bandwidth to
> itself, but which allows any protocol to use all otherwise unused
> bandwidth if it needs it, but automatically relinquishes the excess
> bandwidth as soon as anything else needs it.

Hmmm.....  I think that there should not be a strict number limit, but I think
that the best would be for interactive things to have higher priority.  
Another possible nice thing would be to use slight buffering etc. to divide up
the bandwidth a bit better as you suggested.

Note:  I don't know much about networking, please don't tell me why all these
things I know nothing about won't work in private emails.

> Best wishes from Riley.
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