Re: The /tmp and modules_install saga

Peter T. Breuer (
Fri, 9 Oct 1998 11:24:14 +0200 (MET DST)

"A month of sundays ago Andreas Schwab wrote:"
> |> Without the quotes, it would expand to
> |>
> |> ALLMODES=a.o b.o c.o ...
> |>
> |> which means: (1) set environment variable ALLMODES to a.o, (2) execute
> |> command b.o with args c.o ...
> Wrong. Variable assignments aren't subject to word splitting.

Don't rely on it:

bash$ eval "hi=ho `echo \"; echo $hi\"`"

There is enough quoting going on in the makefile that I certainly can't be
sure of when the shell will think it should or shouldn't perform expansions,
without testing to see, and so it is wise to force it. Defensive programming.

But yes, I was wrong in the quote.


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