IP accounting under 2.0.35

Shane Wegner (shane@cm.nu)
Wed, 7 Oct 1998 12:56:39 -0700 (PDT)

Hash: SHA1


Ok I assume this must be known because someone would have noticed but I
have the following ip accounting rules set with ipfwadm under kernel

continuum:~$ /sbin/ipfwadm -A -l
IP accounting rules
pkts bytes dir prot source destination ports
5186K 325M in all anywhere anywhere n/a
5942K 1344M out all anywhere anywhere n/a
2967 138K in tcp anywhere continuum.cm.nu any -> ftp
2355 169K out tcp continuum.cm.nu anywhere ftp -> any
14212 14M in tcp anywhere continuum.cm.nu any -> smtp
13121 19M out tcp anywhere anywhere any -> smtp
15151 13M in tcp anywhere anywhere www -> any
5136K 1271M out tcp continuum.cm.nu anywhere www -> any
2526 537K out tcp continuum.cm.nu anywhere pop3 -> any
172K 20M in tcp anywhere anywhere 6667 -> any
176K 8006K out tcp anywhere anywhere any -> 6667
0 0 in tcp anywhere continuum.cm.nu any -> 7070
0 0 out tcp continuum.cm.nu anywhere 7070 -> any
6 655 in tcp anywhere anywhere 7070 -> any

The problem is that every three days or so when the transfer goes beyond
about three gigs, it seems to wrap back to zero. Is this a limitation
somewhere that can be adjusted or do I have something configured wrong?

Note: Please cc me on response for I am not subscribed to linux-kernel.

Thanks in advance for any assistance you can offer.

- --
Shane Wegner: shane@cm.nu
Sysadmin, Continuum Systems: http://www.cm.nu
Vice President, W.A.P.V.I.
Personal website: http://www.cm.nu/~shane
PGP key: http://www.cm.nu/~shane/pgp.txt
ICQ UIN: 15706546

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