Re: Out Of Memory in v. 2.1

Jeff Garzik (
Wed, 7 Oct 1998 00:14:04 -0400 (EDT)

Mike Harrelson wrote:
> According to a Sun engineer, Solaris 2.6 does not support memory overcommit.

I must confess that I deduced this from observed behavior,
not actual measurement.

Running my modified leak.c under Solaris 2.6/SPARC would produce two
behaviors: malloc failure (and succeeding error msg), or a core dump
during the set-to-zero loop. The approximate crash location can be
easily determined by the fprintf() statements in that area of code.

Since the malloc calls succeeded, a core dump in the buffer init step
implied to me that memory was overcommitted, and could not be paged in
when needed.

It was compiled w/ gcc 2.8.1 '-O2 -s' if that makes any difference.


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