UDI, missing (?) point

Mon, 5 Oct 1998 10:00:12 +0200 (MET DST)

There is a lot of UDI related mail on list, yet I can't find any piece
about x86 "onlyness" of these binary-only drivers.

It is my opinion that multiplatform availability is one of most important
things about Linux. Just imagine GPLed UDI interface layer and x86 binary-only
drivers, layer ported to Alpha/SPARC/ARM and drivers easily "portable" to AMD,
Cyrix, IDT and "lots" of other CPUs.

Is it easier to insist on source-only drivers or x86-emulate kernel-space
drivers? :) Or just leave non-x86 ports behind?

[/me is not developer, just longtime Linux user]


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