Re: Linus is on a powertrip..

Michael Harnois (
03 Oct 1998 19:08:54 -0500 (Alan Cox) writes:

> As to "power trip". You can accuse Linus of being a bad delegator, or a poor
> manager perhaps but I don't think its an ego trip. Letting go of something
> you created, spent several years of your life on and polished to your own
> vision of perfection cannot be easy.

Of course it's not. But it's necessary. Whether anyone likes it or
not, Linux is bigger than Linus, and it is bigger now than any one
human being can possibly manage in the style it has up till now been
managed. So we have this multiplicity of Band-Aid fixes, none of which
really work and all of which cause more problems than they attempted
to cure. If it goes on in this manner, Linus' needs to take a "break"
will become more and more frequent until he crashes and burns
altogether. That's not a desirable outcome for him or for Linux.

Michael D. Harnois, Redeemer Lutheran Church, Washburn, IA             
 Hell is full of good meanings and wishings. 
     -- George Herbert

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