Re: Help... diskless workstation?

Sat, 03 Oct 1998 10:34:18 +0100 (MET)

>Is there a HOWTO somewhere on how to setup diskless workstations?
>I'd like to set one up where I boot from diskette and possibly setup a ramdisk,
>but mount the necessary directories over NFS.

/usr/src/linux/Documentation/nfsroot.txt helped me started.

Use a recent kernel( I use 2.0.35 , used 2.0.33 before )

Basically you need to compile in nfs support and 'root on nfs'.
Then load the kernel ( I use loadlin ) and don't forget the parameters ( read nfsroot.txt ).

On the nfs server you need to export a directory which looks like a normal root
directory. U can make a copy of another root directory.
Export it to the diskless client and don't forget to use the option 'no_root_squash'.
Off course read-only access wouldn't work well , so add write access too :-)

David Balazic , student
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Computer: Amiga 1200 + Quantum LPS-340AT

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