Re: [OT] Linux's growing pains
Thu, 01 Oct 1998 01:36:52 GMT

Alexander said:

"You are looking for solution that already exists"

"Please look in direction of FreeBSD projects
{ as well as other *BSD )"

"So what do you say?"

Thanks, Alexander, for the pointers.

Since my last post, many people have offer similar suggestions, Larry (from has taken the pain of writing out a proposal, - which may or may
not work as planned, - but is worth to consider nevertheless.

Ultimately though, whatever plan adopted will have to get the nod from Mr. Linus
Torvalds. I think there will be more detailed discussion regarding this matter
in and out of this linux-kernel list, and the more ideas submitted, the more
choices Linus may have.

Sorry again to all if this message is off topic on linux-kernel.


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