Re: TCP Stall (IS GONE!!!!!)

Rik van Riel (
Wed, 30 Sep 1998 20:17:00 +0200 (CEST)

On Wed, 30 Sep 1998, Les Schaffer wrote:
> >>>>> ">" == Richard B Johnson <> writes:
> >> Linux-2.1.123 gets rid of the long-time TCP Stall that I have
> >> been seeing for a long-long time. I was so impressed
> >> downloading the kernel on my PPP link that I have now done it
> >> three times!
> ahh, if only this were true.
> I still get them. i am connected to an ISP who is using Ascend
> equipment, which someone a few months ago claimed is responsible for
> some of the stalls and poor download rates.

The Xylogics terminal servers also show the same
behaviour. The stalls are just as bad as before :(

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