Re: my broken TCP is faster on broken networks

Albert D. Cahalan (
Fri, 11 Sep 1998 14:40:58 -0400 (EDT)

>> Clearly it _does_ improve his network performance, and there is
>> something very wrong with exponential backoff on the Internet.
> You can mathematically prove that an exponential backoff is the
> minimal safe backoff for congestion avoidance

You can mathematically prove many strange things when you make
incorrect assumptions. If that proof were relevant, the Internet
would not suffer from constant congestion. When the proof does
not agree with reality, you have to throw out one or the other.
Clearly it would be nice to throw out reality.

I suspect you assume congestion is temporary, that packet loss will
be reduced if packets are sent less often, and that most TCP/IP
connections are for long duration bulk data transfers.

>> to let the backoff grow so much. Never mind the pure theory.
>> We have _humans_ involved, and they don't wait 2 minutes.
> The maths is clear.

Oddly however, the Internet suffers from constant congestion.
You can't have a useful proof that contradicts the real world.

Consider a 2-minute delay to be a complete failure, because it is.
Anything more than a few seconds is not useful. One reasonable (?)
hack would be to limit that delay to not more than double the
longest recorded round trip. Another would be a simple 2-second
upper bound. Obviously these ideas are gross and broken, just
like the Internet itself. Think "less broken", because a 2-minute
delay is already more broken than I care to contemplate. Could you
imagine using an editor with 2-minute delays? Spend a day hacking
the kernel with an artificial 2-minute delay added. Ouch.

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