Re: [offtopic] Re: I2c was: Cobalt Micro (was Re: Build your own Mo therboards)

Alan Modra (
Thu, 10 Sep 1998 12:09:50 +0930 (CST)

There's been so much dis-information spouted about i2c that I recommend
people read
before posting any more vague recollections/suppositions.

o The data and clock lines are wire-AND. Zeros win.
o Don't confuse the bus protocol with what is actually implemented in a
particular system.
o The bus protocol *does* support multiple masters, without "hanging" the
winning master. On the other hand, a particular implementation may not
allow multiple masters.
o Driving the clock line from more than one place simultaneously *is*
allowed (for example it is how a receiver slows down a transmitter).
Again, this protocol feature may not be implemented in a system.

Let this thread die, please.

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