Re: knfsd 980907 is released.

G. Allen Morris III (
Wed, 09 Sep 1998 07:59:18 -0700

>>>David C Niemi said:
> A couple of things I'd like to see:
> - Mounting of same-file-system subdirectories of the exported
> directory needs to work (e.g. if /opt is exported, mounting
> /opt/foo should work as long as /opt/foo is in the same file
> system). This is standard NFS practice and a major hole in
> the knfsd implement to this point. G Allen Morris (cc'd) took
> a cut at it, I'd hope you and Bill Hawes will take a look at it.

It would be good to get a patch in soon. I think that either
a path or a dentry must be passed by mountd in the getfh system

The multiple mounts patch is easier. It does not require a change
to any interface.

Both of these changes have security issues. If you export a sub-
directory, or you have multiple mounts it is possible to access
all data from the partition using the permitions of any
of the exports. For example if you export /usr/frienly as
read/write and /usr/scrooge and read-only then by guessing inode
numbers it would be possible to write to a file in /usr/scrooge.

> - Have the userland utilities install themselves with "real" names
> instead of the k-prefixed names (which were for testing when knfsd
> was highly experimental). At this point knfsd needs to move
> towards being the default production NFS server for Linux.

This is easy in rmove the k in KPREFIX. Then edit
the rc.knfsd script.

> - A real "maintainer" of this stuff. HJ, is this going to be you?
> There are a lot of patches flying around, which are surprisingly
> compatible with each other but which no-one seems to be collecting
> up. Perhaps once the 2.1.120 mess is cleaned up they can start to
> settle down a bit, I certainly hope Linus is willing to take
> patches to finish up knfs support, as several more are going to be
> needed.

David could you collect these patches?

G. Allen Morris III

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