2.1.120 build is slow (more data)

Steven N. Hirsch (shirsch@adelphia.net)
Mon, 7 Sep 1998 10:22:49 -0400 (EDT)


I have more information on the measurable slowdown of kernel builds here.
It is related to the source tree being built, NOT the kernel version under
which it's building.

The 2.1.120p1 tree and 2.1.120 (final) trees are quite similar in size,
however pre1 builds in 4:40 on a dual-PPro SMP box while 2.1.120 requires
6:18. This is completely repeatable, and I'm seeing it on all boxen.

Question is: What's changed in the fundamental structure to account for
a 40-something percent increase in build time?


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