Re: Ulimit Probrems with Linux
Fri, 21 Aug 1998 23:38:11 -0400

> On Fri, 21 Aug 1998 wrote:
> > I tried ulimit -v and it kept saying
> >
> > ulimit: cannot raise limit: Invalid argument
> >
> > I am running bash 1.14.7. I took a look at the source
> Well, that is your shell's issue. 2.01.1(1) works fine on 2.1.107.
> [...]
> > Do you know what equivalent setrlimit goes with ulimit -v.
> > I checked the manual page on setrlimit and there is an argument
> > for RLIMIT_DATA, RLIMIT_STACK, RLIMIT_RSS which correspond
> > to ulimit -d, -s, and -m but there is not one for ulimit -v.
> > I also noticed that allocation of data blocks larger than
> > 128k would go into 0x400????? memory address space and the
> > blocks smaller than 0x804????? memory address space. So
> > they are definitely in different places. My question is
> Yes. As I said, it is mmap()ing larger regions. That is not on the heap,
> so it isn't counted against RLIMIT_DATA.
> RLIMIT_VMEM is for the total mapped address space, including that on
> the stack (ie. data segment, ie. set by brk(2)) and that allocated by
> mmap(2).

Thanks for the reply. Another person replied to me but I
forgot to cc my reply to him to the list so I thank him as well.

Btw, I assume you mean RLIMIT_AS because there is no RELIM_VMEM
as of 2.0.35 or 2.1.116 mentioned in the include file. The other
reply also said to use RLIMIT_AS.

Also I was curious what do you think is a reasonable limit for
apache's virtual memory space. I am also going to do something
similiar for my qmail server as I know there was a similiar
issue on the qmail list concerning memory limits. You seem
to have set this up already and I was curious if you had
done any tests on appropriate values

I was going to ulimit -v 2048 or maybe 4096.


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