Re: [OFFTOPIC] Re: Linux-2.1.116..

=?iso-8859-1?Q?menion=99?= (
Thu, 20 Aug 1998 14:16:05 -0600

> American is a dialect of english, and thus it has some differences. It's
> preety arogant we we say 'We spell it that way, so it's right'.. The fact
> is, either way you understand what I'm trying to say. That's all that
> matters.

Ok, well since the spam is bad...

We speak English that Webster more - or - less developed. America is
too big to not have a standardized format for the language we speak.
We have 4 basic dialects, and that would be your North West/East, and
your South West/East. But truthfully, we simply speak in a little
different accent, and use certain words more commonly than others.
However, were it not for Webster we would have a thousand dialects, and
would most likely be similar to India in respect to a national language.
(No insult to India intended.) Most Indian people that I know speak 3
or 4 different dialects, and still have to have a translater in some
places. That's thier own country. American English is not 'proper'
English. But it is standardized, formatted English. Our language, in
many ways, has evolved less that Britain, or New Zealand, or Australian
dialects. But it still has changed.

My point is: If your primary language is Spanish, you will pick up the
language in Spanish speak countries easier than, for instance, if you
speak English. We all speak differently, and no one has more or less
right to the language. We must simply adapt. We in the U.S. are taught
that 'ou' is the same sound as 'ow'. So 'honour', or 'colour' were
changed [most likley] to 'honor', and 'color', for simplification.
Why? Ask Webster.

OK Have a nice day.

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