Q:serial line turnaround, as faster way?

Rildo Pragana (rpragana@acm.org)
Sun, 28 Jun 1998 19:34:23 -0300 (EST)


I need to implement a tiny protocol that requires answers after each
polling sequence. I planned to do it in user-mode, but it seems that there
is a very large indeed delay to the received data become available from
tty driver in the kernel.
May someone give me a line discipline or another serial driver without
task switches or really faster (at most 1ms, instead of the 20ms delay)?

I prefer to do my protocol in user code, because it will be more universal
to the users, but I can think of programming a device driver if I need to.

best regards,

Rildo Pragana

|\ FPGA and uController Rildo Pragana \
\ \ Design & Implementation PO Box 7440 Recife \
\ \ System Software * Linux Brazil 50,630-970 \
|\ +-----------------------------------------------+
\| e-mail:rpragana@acm.org * phone:55-81-4591776 |
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