Re: uniform input device packets?

Albert D. Cahalan (
Thu, 25 Jun 1998 08:38:36 -0400 (EDT)

Since the kernel needs to know about keyboard language mappings
already, translated keystrokes ought to be provides. There is no
need to have a "raw" mode, because the kernel can just send the
keystroke both ways and let the app filter by type code.

Example events for one letter:

1. dead key foo goes down
2. dead key foo goes up
3. key bar goes down
4. Unicode character 1234
5. key bar goes up

It is OK to send scancodes too, if any apps really want them.
This lets an app track the Alt key while letting the kernel handle
dead keys as it normally would.

Oh, the bitfields are insane. This is local kernel --> app data
transfer, caused by a human. It's not networking over a modem.
It is better to just make everything 32-bit. If performance is
really an issue, think about all the bitshifting you can avoid.

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