Re: Resume/Suspend (was Re: LVM / Filesystems / High availability)

Magnus Redin (
Tue, 23 Jun 1998 17:58:40 +0200 (MET DST)

> Forgive me, and I'm really not trying to diss this, but what would
> the practical application be for this? I missed the previous
> discussions on this you mention...
> -Shawn

You can get from power-on to starting to work much quicker.
A server who is interrupted by its UPS running out of power will
resume work exactly where it was interrupted.


Magnus Redin  Lysator Academic Computer Society
Mail: Magnus Redin, Rydsvägen 214B, 584 32 LINKöPING, SWEDEN
Phone: Sweden (0)13 260046 (answering machine)  and  (0)13 214600

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