(no)Gravis and 2.1.106

Jan Rekorajski (jr211@students.mimuw.edu.pl)
Sat, 20 Jun 1998 03:06:28 +0200

Something weird is going on with sound in 2.1.106, I have GUS classic
and SB16, all in modules, SB is working ok, but I can't unload GUS
module - I can do `rmmod gus` but it is a perfect way to crash.

I guess that GUS module is not unregistered properly (if at all), this
is what I have after loading all sound modules:

gus 45412 0 (autoclean)
sb 23136 0 (autoclean)
uart401 5536 0 (autoclean) [sb]
sound 56204 0 (autoclean) [gus sb uart401]
soundcore 1704 8 (autoclean) [sb sound]

after `rmmod -a`:

soundcore 1704 1 (autoclean)

I tested this and I'm sure it's GUS that is leaving that 1.
When I try to `insmod gus` everything is ok, but access to /dev/dsp
gives random error - from "con't open" to reboot (Oops didn't
make it to logs :( )


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