Re: ext2 fs not properly updated upon dismount.

Ragnar Hojland Espinosa (
Thu, 18 Jun 1998 20:27:34 +0200 (MET DST)

> If corruption only occurs when disks are dismounted, which is what it
> seems, then you can rule out drivers and physical devices. These
> things don't know why a write occurred --many writes occur during
> normal operation over many hours of use.

Okay, I'm gonna add my little bit here. Related or not, I'm not
absolutely sure.

Lately I've been having zillions of problems with one of the hard drives
of my pc. Even thought it was a bad simm, but memtest has been running
successfully for 12h+ and aok, and the hd works fine too.


I synced, waited a sec or two, umounted /dev/hdc2 (not root) and tired a
fsck once.

/dev/hdc2: clean, 7285/177480 files, 436661/707616 blocks

Forced it..

lightside:~# e2fsck /dev/hdc2 -f
e2fsck 1.12-WIP, 16-Jun-98 for EXT2 FS 0.5b, 95/08/09
Pass 1: Checking inodes, blocks, and sizes
Pass 2: Checking directory structure
Entry 'lost+found' in / (2) has deleted/unused inode 11. Clear<y>? yes

Pass 3: Checking directory connectivity
Pass 4: Checking reference counts
Inode 2 ref count is 9, should be 8. Fix<y>? yes

Pass 5: Checking group summary information
Block bitmap differences: -263
Fix<y>? yes

Free blocks count wrong for group #0 (7736, counted=7737).
Fix<y>? yes

Free blocks count wrong (270955, counted=270956).
Fix<y>? yes

Directories count wrong for group #0 (5, counted=4).
Fix<y>? yes

/dev/hdc2: ***** FILE SYSTEM WAS MODIFIED *****
/dev/hdc2: 7285/177480 files (5.7% non-contiguous), 436660/707616 blocks

Fscked again to check it was fine now. Powered down and up again. Booted
successfully. Rebooted, and got the fsck error I'm getting _always_ I
reboot without manually umounting and fscking later (Block bitmap for
group 0 is not in a group (block 0)).. fscking it normally goes fine,
except twice that I lost some files (along with lost+found)

sysvinit is 2.72, ext2 utils 1.10 and 1.12-WIP, mount 2.7l and 2.8, kernel
2.1.106 .. all compiled with gcc with no strange optimizations.
You'd say it's software, or hardware related?

____/| Ragnar Hojland ( Fingerprint 94C4B
\ o.O| 2F0D27DE025BE2302C
=(_)= "Thou shalt not follow the NULL pointer for 104B78C56 B72F0822
U chaos and madness await thee at its end." hkp://

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