Re: Remote fork() and Parallel programming

Joshua M. Yelon (
Thu, 18 Jun 1998 03:23:41 -0500 (CDT)

I've been following this discussion of parallel programming for some
time. You don't seem to be asking yourselves: is this primitive
useful for writing any real algorithms?

Try this: write a parallel matrix multiplier using DSM, then again
using HPF. The HPF version will turn out both shorter and faster.

Then, write a parallel AI search application using DSM, then again
using parallel prolog. The prolog version will turn out both shorter
and faster.

Then, write a parallel N-body simulation using DSM. Then write it
again using charm++. The charm++ version will be both shorter and

I would challenge you to find ANY problem that can be implemented in
DSM, for which I can't find a better construct.

You might argue that DSM is useful for implementing HPF, prolog, and
charm++. But it's not true. We have implemented object-oriented
languages using DSM, and we have implemented them using RPC, and the
RPC is faster. We have implemented HPF using DSM, and we have
implemented HPF using explicit generation message-passing code, and
the latter is faster.

- Josh

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