Re: crc error in 2.1.106

Linus Torvalds (
Sun, 14 Jun 1998 10:24:56 -0700 (PDT)

On Sun, 14 Jun 1998, Dieter Kraft wrote:
> Linus,
> applying the 106 patch to 105 and compiling with same .config
> I get
> crc error
> system halted
> when uncompressing the kernel

Test whether this pseudo-patch fixes it for you (you have to do this by
hand, but it's simple):

- arch/i386/boot/setup.S:
search for "wait until a20 really *is* enabled", around line 540
or so..

change the offset that breaks from 0x7c00 to 0x0, and the 0x7c10
to 0x10. (it has a comment "any unused memory location < 64K"
and "corresponding HMA address" respectively.. It obviously isn't
unused for everybody - it's safe if you boot directly off a raw
floppy, but not with certain bootloaders).

The proper fix is probably to save and restore the value we use for
testing, but in the meantime I'd like to hear whether the above works..


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