Re: 2.0.34 kerne

Trevor Johnson (
Fri, 12 Jun 1998 03:31:12 -0400 (EDT)

> > -tristate 'Native language support (Unicode, codepages)' CONFIG_NLS
> > +tristate 'Native language support (needed for Joliet and FAT)' CONFIG_NLS
> that's already much better, but I still would say `NO' because I'm only using
> ISO9660 with RockRidge and no Joliet...

I had looked at this part of the 2.0.34 patch:

+nls: Native language codepages and Unicode support
+ This is required by the FAT based filesystems and by the ISO9660
+ filesystem with Joliet support. Joliet is a Microsoft extension
+ for CDROMs that supports Unicode.

but I see I misread it:

+if [ "$CONFIG_NLS" = "y" -o "$CONFIG_NLS" = "m" ]; then
+ dep_tristate 'ISO9660 cdrom filesystem support' CONFIG_ISO9660_FS $CONFIG_NLS

In fs/, then, I would say "(needed for ISO 9660 and FAT)" as a
description of CONFIG_NLS, and in Documentation/ I would say

NLS: Native language codepages and Unicode support
This must be configured if ISO 9660 (Linux supports the Rock Ridge
and Joliet extensions, which can be on the same disc) or the file
systems based on FAT (msdos, umsdos and vfat) will be used.

in place of that section. It also wouldn't hurt to mention in the help
for CONFIG_VFAT_FS that FAT32 is now supported. Instead of:

This allows you to mount MSDOS partitions of your harddrive. It
will let you use filenames in a way compatible with the long
filenames used by Windows'95 and Windows NT fat-based (not NTFS)
partitions. It does not support Windows'95 compressed filesystems.

I suggest something like:

This allows you to mount FAT partitions, including FAT32, with the
VFAT extended file names as used with Windows 95 and occasionally
with Windows NT. Note that this version of Linux supports neither
NTFS nor compression schemes such as SuperStor, Stacker, Doublespace
and Drivespace.
Trevor Johnson

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