Re: Remote fork() and Parallel Programming
Thu, 11 Jun 1998 20:47:46 +0330


Andrej Presern <> wrote:

>The checkpoint / continue capability is a prerequisite to process
>migration, since to be able to migrate a process, one must be able to
>checkpoint and continue it first, transparency or no transparency. Also,
>you could have noticed that a checkpoint / continue capability makes a
>remote fork capability quite trivial, since a copy of the process that
>has been checkpointed can be continued on as many (remote) nodes as
>desired [...]

Yes I know. But I don't know why you are writing such things.

What I have been trying to say is that these fucntionalities should better
be provided by the kernel.

> [...](so much for flexibility, transparency and having hard time
>duplicating the run-time state of a process).

You are just dumping the problems of duplicating the run-time state inside
the checkpoint/restart mechanism. You _will_ need support from the kernel
to do this. Please remember that the pride of a monolithic OS is in hiding
its internals from application programs.

>Also, I have to inform you that any dynamic load balancing decision is
>at best a speculative one, since a node _cannot_ know how the load will
>change on a node that we want to migrate to in the future (nor do we
>know that for the originating node), which means that we might find
>ourselves filling network bandwidth by copying process data from node to
>node as load on nodes goes up and down [...]

Thanks for the information, but not everybody wants to run short java
programs on a cluster. Many tasks run for long times, which makes an
assesment of resource-usage possible. Now making load-balancing decisions
is very necessary. In such environments, process migration helps to remedy
any mistakes that are made in the load balancing decisions.

> [...] If you want to do dynamic load
>balancing, you want to minimize the cost of doing it, so you want to
>avoid expensive operations, such as copying a process over the network.
>Instead of balancing the load by process migration, one can do it much
>more efficiently by stopping objects on overloaded nodes and restarting
>or continuing others on idle ones (if they are continued, they can take
>off from where they were stopped; if they are restarted they are reused
>but they start from the beginning and usually with a different set of
>data). Dynamic load balancing can be done simply by observing the
>progress that individual (remote and local) objects of the application
>make and making a balancing decision based on that [...]

Objects?? I am not sure if we are talking about the same operating system.

> [...] And who is more
>competent in determining the progress of a part of an application than
>the application itself?

The progress of an application can sometimes come in conflict with the
progress of other applications running in the same system. Applications are
usually too selfish, and should not be allowed to make decisions that affect
other processes.

>Also, the all-knowing authority (even if such a god-like object existed)
>in the system that you refer to is a very bad concept security-wise,
>since such an object directly violates the principle of least authority.
>(so much for 'awareness', 'predicting future' and 'all knowing OS').

Such a god-like object already exists. It is called a Monolithic Operating
System. I am sorry if you think it has so many bad characteristics, but I
didn't invent it.

>To get to more practical points, if we put aside the obvious advantage
>from the view of performance, that a message that starts an object is
>obviously much more efficient than copying a process over the network
>(if you page it in on demand, you still copy it), remote forking is
>still not a very good thing, especially in a heterogenuous cpu
>environment. It's much better to 'start' an equivalent object on a
>remote node that has been built and optimized for the architecture of
>the node. One should remember that since by connecting into the internet
>you're essentially connecting into a heterogenuous supercomputer, we
>might as well do things the right way.

Quite right. Though one can use a suitably compiled copy of the program on
a remote machine (so there is no need for code conversion), but converting
the run-time state to the suitable data representation format of a remote
node can be very hard or impossible. However, having this ability, even if
limited to heterogeneous environments, might be very useful.

Maybe I have not expressed my views very clearly. Very briefly, I would
rather see the kernel offer high level services like dynamic process
migration. It is not important which mechanism can simulate the other one.
The important think is to allow the application programmer to use the cluster
as easily as using a single computer. Transparency is the keyword here. Such
services can be offered very transparently thru the kernel, even if they are
not completely implemented inside the kernel.

For an example of such a design, you can take a look at DIPC (Distributed
Inter-process Communication), a system that extends System V's semaphores,
messages and shared memories to work in a cluster. DIPC's web pages are at

-Kamran Karimi

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