Re: [2.1.105] Cyrix 6x86 reduced to 486

A Guy Called Tyketto (
Tue, 9 Jun 1998 16:20:31 -0700

On %M 0, "B. James Phillippe" <> etched in stone:
> Greetings,
> I just strapped on 2.1.105 last night for kicks (up from 2.1.88,
> which is the last 2.1.x that's been solid for me). It seemed to work
> fairly well (ie., it didn't crash on bootup). The exceptions were 1.) my
> Cyrix 6x86 is once again an unknown 486. I did compile choosing
> Pentium/6x86. 2.) None of the firewalling stuff seemed to work. The /proc
> files for ip_{forward,input,acct} et al were non-existant.

I can't comment on the 6x86 CPU being recognised as 486, but I can say
this about the firewalling code. I believe a) the forwarding policies have
changed, to where you have to enable it in the /proc filesystem. I believe you
need to do an "echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward" to enable it.

b) when you say Y to IP Firewalling and/or Masquerading, take a\ look
at the help for it. It should inform you that you need to be using IPChains,
as the whole firewalling/masquerade code was rewritten. It should also tell
you where it's at. I'm not sure of the exact site, but it should be at, if that helps. This was changed, I believe, as of 2.1.103.
The IP Forwarding, I think was changed in the 2.1.90 series, but i am not real
sure on that, so don't quote me. ;)

But give these a shot, and see what you can see. TIA!


Brad Littlejohn                         | Email: 
Unix Systems Administrator,             |  
Web + NewsMaster, BOFH.. Smeghead! :)   |
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