Re: [Linux-3D] Try my new DMA kernel functions

Mike (
Tue, 9 Jun 98 11:42:02 -0700

> From: (Alan Cox)
> Its using mmap. That unfortunately means I can't drop it into shared
> memory or the video ram. Thats a nasty problem for a few specific cases
> I care about - firstly mmap /dev/mem, start video grabbing on it, secondly
> grabbing into the image part of a sys5 shared memory MITSHM block.

sys5 shared memory is stupid and obsolete. It's good to have the
facility around so that stupid and obsolete programs still work, but
when considering radical new OS features, we shouldn't design them
around ancient quirks that no wise programmer will use in new code.

-=] Ford [=-

"Heaven is exactly like where you (In Real Life: Mike Ditto)
are right now, only much, much better."
-- Laurie Anderson

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