Re: Bind to privileged (<1024) ports

Erik Corry (
Mon, 8 Jun 1998 23:09:14 +0200

In article <Pine.LNX.3.96.980608203721.2785A-100000@calvados.MI.Uni-Koeln.DE> you wrote:
> Hi,

> is there a way to get a somewhat "lightweight" Posix 1.e? I'm thinking

I was considering implementing bind in libc as an open on
/dev/ipports/portno, which would be a device that did the
right thing. Then you can just do good oldfashioned setgid
stuff to make it work for the selected binaries that need
it. This seems to be in the spirit of Unix where everything
is a file-like thing and also probably wouldn't get in the
way of any other more advanced schemes.

The advantage over your proposal (as I read it) is that that
you don't just open up the port entirely, which would cause
other security problems (denial-of-service, misue of priviledged
ports, etc.).

I never got around to finding out whether the bind semantics
allow such a mapping, though.

Erik Corrh

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