spontaneous reboot with 105 and TCP stress test

Meelis Roos (mroos@tartu.cyber.ee)
Mon, 8 Jun 1998 20:56:21 +0300 (EEST)

Just compiled 2.1.105 and tried my TCP stress tests again with
tcp_timestamps turned off. Basically a
while true; do rsh otherhost 'cat /var/log/messages'; done
and interrupting it sometimes when the connection happened to slow down
because of congestions. And after an interruption my computr just

Earlier (2.1.104pre1) I used to get an oops sometimes in this situation
(interrupting a stalled rsh). Details on this are also available.

So far I could not reproduce these failures with tcp_timestamps set to 1
(the default).

gcc, K6/200 (not overclocked, seems to work).

Meelis Roos (mroos@tartu.cyber.ee)

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