Re: 2.0.34 kerne

Alan Cox (
Mon, 8 Jun 1998 12:41:44 +0100 (BST)

> > I downloaded a fresh copy 2.0.34 from

Neat, there is no such site . I asusme ?

> > when I went to compile it i noticed that the config options for is09660
> > and msdos seems to be missing
> nope dont think so allso noticed menuconfig broken ???

What are you seeing broken with menuconfig. Right now I only know one problem
if you uses ncurses 4.2 it scrolls funny. From a quick look it seems its
probably a bug in the newer ncurses.

> can someone please ensure distributed kernels are not broken
> esp x.0/2/4/6/8.x releases

They aren't AFAIK. Unfortunately users are harder to fix sometimes.

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