Re: config module

Adam D. Bradley (
Wed, 27 May 1998 23:26:16 -0400 (EDT)

> I've seen this idea pop up a few times, but I don't remember seeing either
> code for it (I just did a quick check of linuxhq, and didn't see one
> there), or a definitave slam against it other than kernel bloat :)
> That said, I have written a module that will store the contents of the
> .config file, and make it available as /proc/config.

I would love to see this, and a similar object for, with
one addition: you can "rm /proc/config" or "rm /proc/" and
the memory they're using will be freed (like what's done with
initialization data and functions now). Even better, store them in
compressed (gzipped) form, so you can do something like this in your
system startup scripts:

/bin/cat /proc/config.gz | /bin/gunzip > /.config
rm /proc/config.gz
/bin/cat /proc/ | /bin/gunzip > /
rm /proc/

The boot image will naturally be bigger, but most of that overhead
gets released early on so the only bloat is a tiny bit of stub code.


You crucify all honesty             \\Adam D. Bradley
No signs you see do you believe      \\Boston University Computer Science
And all your words just twist and turn\\    Grad Student and Linux Hacker
Reviving just to crash and burn        \\                             <><
--------->   Why can't you listen as love screams everywhere?   <--------

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