SB sound modules

Jason Riedy (
Mon, 25 May 1998 15:25:09 +0100

Just a few notes on the sound drivers and modules:

1. Compiling the sound blaster drivers in 2.1.102 and 2.103 + Alan's
sound patches results in unresolved symbols when compiled as modules. The
required symbols are in the 'sound' module and its associated files which do
not get compiled. This can all be solved if you edit the .config file and add:
CONFIG_SOUND_OSS=m (as appropriate)
which gets sound.o compiled with all the appropriate symbols.

2. CONFIG_SOUND_LOWLEVEL still gets set to 'm' for modular sound drivers.
Again edit the .config file and change this to 'y'.

3. Removing (rmmod) unwanted sound modules in the wrong order can muck
things up a bit (See also Richard A. Nelson's message 'Module deletion
problems w 2.1.103') causing 'QM_INFO: no such file or directory' errors
with lsmod. I am not sure if it was a single module that was the cause of the
troubles but I will investigate further.

4. With all modules compiled and installed (awe_wave.o gets installed into
the misc directory rather than the sound directory) I get an error meesage
along the lines of 'modprobe: not an ELF file' from depmod but everything
appears to run fine (except rmmod -a, ho-hum). Could this be associated with
the file modprobe burried in /proc ?

Have fun,

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