Re: 'C' Operators precedence

Robert Minichino (
Wed, 20 May 1998 17:34:54 -0400 (EDT)

> > And this _without_ optimisation. gcc is right to do this; if a function
> > clobbers registers, then let it do so when the variables don't contain
> > anything interersting anyway.
> Umm, the reason why there is a penalty for calling a function (and why c++ has
> inline functions to avoid the penalty) is because calling a function pushes
> all the registers onto the stack, and restores them afterward.

All the registers?

[snip (function f)]
.type f,@function
pushl %ebp
movl %esp,%ebp
movl a,%eax
movl %ebp,%esp
popl %ebp
[end snip]

[snip (part of main())]
movl $4,e
call f
movl %eax,%ecx
[end snip]

Which registers are getting pushed on the stack? EBP, EIP, CS. That's
it. Let's see what happens with:

gcc -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer -ansi -pedantic -o aaa aaa.c

[snip (function f)]
.type f,@function
movl a,%eax
[end snip]

[snip (part of main())]
call f
[end snip]

Now only CS and EIP (implictly through call/ret).

And now with:

gcc -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer -finline-functions -ansi -pedantic -o aaa

[snip (part of main())]
movl $4,e
movl a,%eax
addl $9,%eax
[end snip]

And an excerpt from K&R 2nd ed. (p200):

"The precedence and associativity of operators is fully specified, but the
order of evaluation of expressions is, with certain exceptions, undefined,
even if the subexpressions involve side-effects. That is, unless the
definition of an operator guarantees that its operands are evaluated in a
particular order, the implementation is free to evaluate operands in any
order, or even to interleave their evaluation."


Compiler output tells us nothing conclusive about a programming language.

Compilers can optimize many functions by inlining them without changing
their semantics.

Don't rely on a certain calling order for functions with side-effects.
It's the Wrong Thing To Do.

Don't rely on expression evaluation order for anything other than &&, ||,
and (comma).

- Robert Minichino

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