ISO9660 fs support in 2.0.34-pre[6,7]

Steve VanDevender (
Tue, 7 Apr 1998 07:04:08 -0700 (PDT)

Sebastian Taralunga writes:
> It looks like in 2.0.34-pre6,7 there is something broken and I cannot
> choose the ISO9660 file system support, neither with `make config' nor
> with `make menuconfig'.. hope it helps..

Make sure you choose CONFIG_NLS; it's now a prerequisite for the
ISO9660, FAT, MSDOS, UMSDOS, and VFAT filesystems, although it's
not at all obvious from the config prompt that you need it for
those (nudge nudge, Alan). Once you pick that "make config"
works, although I'm not sure about "make menuconfig".

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