ncr53c875 (fwd)

Gerard Roudier (
Mon, 6 Apr 1998 20:36:35 +0200 (MET DST)

Hi hacker!

Francois has problems with linux-2.1.92 using a ncr53c875 chip.

Could the third party, who has been so ashamed of having done ncr53c8xx
driver changes in 2.1.92 that he decided not to inform the maintainer
prior to send them to Linus, help Francois to fix his problem, please ?


---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 06 Apr 1998 17:48:24 +0700
From: Francois Wautier <>
Subject: ncr53c875


Desole de te deranger, mais omme tu est le curateur du pilote pour NCR53C8XX
.... je me suis dis...

Avec Linux 2.1.91 pas de probleme, avec 2.1.92.... Le systeme s'arrete juste
apres le message "SCSI Hosts: 1 detected" (ou qqch comme ca)

Suis je le seul a avoir ce probleme? Ou est-ce un bug connu?

Mon environemet est

- 2 Pentium a 133 Mhz (SMP oui!)
- 1 carte SCSI (IO Data) avec un ncr53c875
- 1 hdd IBM
- 1 hdd Seagate
- 1 CDROM Pioneer (12X)
- 1 MO Fujitsu



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