swap killer kernels

Krzysztof G. Baranowski (kgb@manjak.knm.org.pl)
Sun, 29 Mar 1998 15:26:15 +0200 (CEST)


well, after my bad experiences with 2.1.91 and swap I decided to
give .92-pre a try. After reboot I started X, then KDE, then few
applications (I was watching at memory usage almost non-stop).
As I suspected at some point system started swapping like hell.
(32 mb ram, 8 for swap). I noticed that kernel _always_ tried
to keep about 7,5 to 8 mb of free memory, even for price of
constant swapping. At this moment I had 8 mb of free memory,
swap was completely used. (system was swapping to disk like mad).
Fortunately I killed X, and everything switched back to normal.
This situation started to happen one kernel ago, ie. in 2.1.91.
2.1.90 and earlier works fine with my setup. Now I afraid to start
something bigger, because of "swapping death" ;-)
Any ideas, patches ?


Krzysztof G. Baranowski - President of the Harmless Manyacs' Club
"Smith & Wesson - The original point and click interface..."
http://www.knm.org.pl/                 <prezes@manjak.knm.org.pl>

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