Re: WLinux -> Subverting Windows by making Linux available to MS users

Marek Habersack (
Mon, 30 Mar 1998 01:25:02 +0200 (CEST)

On Sun, 29 Mar 1998, Stephen D. Williams wrote:

> > about it, it's because Linux actually WORKS whereas CrapOS DOESN'T. Now,
> > can you please tell me how to make a stable, well performing operating
> > system on an unstable, badly performing one? You're predestined to fail.
> I also pointed out and agreed that it would be no stabler than
> Win95/NT (the latter is purportedly stable, although I think there's a
> coverup involved). That is explicitly NOT the point.
> For some of the perceived use, the end-user wouldn't even necessarily
> know that Linux was involved. Notice that I pointed out that with
> this scheme the Linux distribution would be shrinkwrap and totally
> portable. In other words, an application vendor could develop for
> Linux (very desirable of course) and deploy on a CDROM with a
> mini-distribution of WLinux that runs transparently under Win95/NT.
That can be done by writing a portable code and compiling it natively for both
platforms - much easier than writing WLinux...

> > Economics, economics, economics: I don't want Wintendo to have all my
> > Unix apps but I do want to have all the Wintendo apps on my Unix because
> > that gives me a comparative advantage.
> Yes, that would be great. Let me know when you have it working. I'm
> ALL for it. The problem is that as soon as you have a
> Win32/etc. emulation working on Linux, MS puts N*1000 programmers to
> work on the next mostly incompatible 'standard' and you have to try to
> keep up.
Well, that's probably true... But that way we'll keep the competition ;-))

> If you provide Linux binary support under Win95/NT, they can't stop
> you and suddenly Linux apps are viable for the other 90% of the PC pie.
No. As you yourself said above, the average user wouldn't even know s/he's
running (W)Linux. Even if s/he realized that the application has some
different format than the others, he'd probably think that this is some "new
and excellent Micro$oft invention! Wow, these guys are great - that software
RUNS!!" - would it be Linux or Winblows advocacy?

> > My Linux runs everything - from Nintendo to Wintendo. Can your Wintendo
> > run Linux? No? Well, I guess that means I can use all your tools to
> > produce $$$ yet you can't use any of mine. I Lin - you Woose (get
> > this;]).
> I'm not advocating that we don't want it, only that we should tackle
> the problem from both sides. Although it's non-intuitive, I feel that
> supplying the backwards route has some very interesting consequences
> that are only helpful.
I think that the only consequence would be winning more market for Micro$oft -
the wouldn't announce that the non-crashing and better applications aren't
their own, but created by independent vendor(s).

> Believe me, when I have an emulator of any kind that can run Win95 and
> Win32 apps under native Linux, I'll be running it everyday.
WINE's pretty good already.

TTYL(r), marek

"Little prigs and three-quarter madmen may have the conceit that the 
laws of nature are constantly broken for their sakes."
                                               Friedrich Nietzsche

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