Re: GGI Project Unhappy On Linux

Marek Habersack (
Mon, 30 Mar 1998 01:34:34 +0200 (CEST)

On Sun, 29 Mar 1998, MOLNAR Ingo wrote:

> On Sun, 29 Mar 1998, Harald Koenig wrote:
> > but you'd need a huge bitmap for 64k ports for many (not too recent) cards
> > because of the great sparse IBM 8514A register layout:(
> 8192 bytes, and it can be solved that only _that_ process has such a large
> bitmap.
Well, that's the beauty of the bitmap - it's private to every task.

best wishes, marek

If a guru falls in the forrest with no one to hear him, was he really a guru
at all?
         Strange de Jim, "The Metasexuals"

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