General Question...

Woodstock (
Sun, 29 Mar 1998 19:31:11 -0500 (EST)

Ok... I just have a question for my personal knowledge....

What is supposed to happen when free memory (real and virtual) reaches
zero? I know, it's not SUPPOSED to happen, but saying it did, should the
kernel halt and die, or try to kill off processes trying to malloc more
memory, or what?

Mainly, I've been having HUGE problems with memory leaks in Netscape 4.04
Last night, after browsing a lot of pages, it ate up all 32 meg of memory
and 50 megs of swap. My computer locked hard. Couldn't get in through
telnet, either. Is this supposed to happen? Is there a known problem
with NS 4.04 and libc 5? (I have libc 5.4.33 to back up my glibc) I'm
also running kernel 2.1.90 with kmod patches. Thanks!

-Sir Woody Hackswell
(The ArchFool)

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