Re: GGI Project Unhappy On Linux

Raul Miller (
Sun, 5 Apr 1998 11:52:23 -0400

Marek Habersack <> wrote:
> OK. I'm asking a question: isn't it possible that some software
> protocol will be patented in a way that requires everyone willing to
> use it to buy licence?

Sure, anything's possible.

I heard some guy managed to get a U.S. patent on Kirchoff's law -- never
mind that it has been a fundamental aspect of electrical design since
before anyone in the patent office was born. So, what are you going to
do about the possibility that some one else will own the rights to your
house lighting system and your car's ignition system?

Describe it in obscure enough terms, and you could get a patent on Oxygen.
If you were careful to only enforce it against the easily intimidated
you might be able to get quite a cash flow going.


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