2.1.91 and 2.0.34-pre4 comparison

Samuli Kaski (samkaski@cs.helsinki.fi)
Sat, 28 Mar 1998 20:12:12 +0200 (EET)

Insipired by compiler tests conducted here I did the same thing. The
used tree was 2.1.91.

make dep; make clean; make zImage took on

2.0.34-pre4 10 min 36 sec
2.1.91 9 min

With no load/memory stress beyond the compile itself.

P5-166 MMX/64 MB/NCR UltraSCSI

Nice, not mindblasting though, improvement I would say.

Samuli Kaski, samkaski@cs.helsinki.fi
Department of Computer Science, University of Helsinki, Finland.

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