2.1.92 high-load report

Nicholas J. Leon (nicholas@binary9.net)
Sat, 4 Apr 1998 00:29:57 -0500 (EST)

'Folks -

I've been following the stream of messages concerning swapping and
performance under the new kernel and I'd like to relate an experience I
had today.

Apparently I pissed someone off recently and they decided to take it out
against my webserver. So, I had several hundreds of bad requests sent to
my Apache 1.3.x server per second.

I noticed something was wrong when sendmail started refusing connections,
so I logged in and checked it out. All 150 slots of httpd were taken up,
they were all running. The load average was <drum roll> 257!! I've
**NEVER** seen my box so high. Not only that, but it was fairly responsive
(much more than I expected). Keystrokes were echoed back in a second,
commands didn't take too long to lookup and execute.

It was quite impressive. I killed httpd, ipfw'd the attacker and restarted
httpd. No problems. Didn't even have to reboot the machine.

Linux 2.1.92 (root@madi) (gcc 2.8.1) #1 Thu Apr 2 16:03:39 EST 1998 [madi]

Memory: Total Used Free Shared Buffers Cached
Mem: 39200 29196 10004 31216 12288 6444
Swap: 110876 0 110876

Pentium 100, couple o' WD ide drives. Old FX mobo.

Anyway, just wanted relay that ... g'nite!


simple is elegant mrnick.binary9.net nicholas@binary9.net

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