Re: Horrible delivery delay or is just me ?

Matti Aarnio (
Sat, 4 Apr 1998 03:33:02 +0300 (EEST)

> From: James Mastros <>
> cc: Adoram Rogel <>,
> Subject: Re: Horrible delivery delay or is just me ?
> For me, at least, the problem seems to be that whereas funet uses ZMailer,
> entropy uses VMailer. The problem with that is that Sendmail and ZMailer
> implement ETERN, but VMailer does not.

You are looking at the problem from wrong end, especially as
there are GOOD ways to handle the problem that you see.

In your case you need to add MX records to your A record of IN A

The MX data should point to your ISP smtp relay server like this: IN A ....

With these two MX entries servers all over the world would at
first try to send email directly to jennifer-unix, but if they
can't for some reason, they will try to reach backup server, and
deliver the email there. When you reconnect, you need only to
contact your ISP's server, not machines all around the world.

Because of recent relay-hijack SPAM-attacks your ISP may already
have set their server to limit relaying. Make sure with them
that you can use their server for backup MX server.
Getting plain "it is ok" is not sufficient, they MUST register
your domain as valid one to be relayed thru/queued at their
server. Very few systems (sendmail-8.8.8 with some patches,
ZMailer, and perhaps some others) can be configured so that
they accept relaying to domains for which they are listed as
backup MX servers without having explicite listings of acceped
target domains...

> -=- James Mastros

/Matti Aarnio <> <>

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