Re: Proposed new file system?
03 Apr 1998 11:00:00 +0200

Riley Williams <> writes:

> I had it pointed out to me that a .tar.gzip file would be particularly
> difficult to use since gzip compresses everything from start to end,
> so I would probably look at either .zip or a .tar of a collection of
> ..gz files, and deal with that later...

You mean in rw mode, not ro, right?

Since you could, I assume, do

mount -t gzipfs -o loop /tmp/foo.tar.gz /mnt/tmp1
mount -t tarfs -o loop /mnt/tmp1/foo.tar /mnt/tmp2

With any kind of compression, you'll have to handle writing to the
middle of a file anyway, one way or another. The "chunking" of zip or
tarred gzipped files are more convenient, of course, since you get to
recompress smaller files, but aren't the problems essentially the same?


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