2.1.92 works for me, except for module loop.o (unresolved symbols securebits)

Benjamin Redelings I (bredelin@UCSD.Edu)
Thu, 02 Apr 1998 00:49:06 -0800

Hi, this is just to say that 2.1.92 works ok for me. Netscape works,
CD playing works, mp3 playing works (on a real SB16), quake2 works, (and
PPP works:). My only problem is that the modules loop.o won't load: it
says complains:
"/lib/modules/2.1.92/block/loop.o: unresolved symbol securebits"
Oh, also there can be a lot of continuous stuff like:
kernel: raising capabilities on `ip-down'(pid=336) [0305]:61216
kernel: raising capabilities on `basename'(pid=337) [0305]:183655
kernel: raising capabilities on `run-parts'(pid=338) [0305]:61230
kernel: raising capabilities on `sh'(pid=339) [0305]:61216
kernel: raising capabilities on `route'(pid=339) [0305]:197924
kernel: raising capabilities on `sh'(pid=340) [0305]:61216
kernel: raising capabilities on `ifconfig'(pid=340) [0305]:197919
kernel: raising capabilities on `modprobe'(pid=341) [0305]:198324
kernel: raising capabilities on `modprobe'(pid=342) [0305]:198324
kernel: raising capabilities on `modprobe'(pid=343) [0305]:198324
Perhaps because printk()s are now slow, this really seems to slow things
down while it is going on. Swapping doesn't seem to be a problem...
2.1.92 seems faster that 2.1.92-pre2. However, there may be more (or
slower disk) access at some time during startup, perhaps because of the
"raising capabilities" thingy.


egcs 980315
libc6 2.0.7pre1-4

P.S. Oh, and the PPP checksum errors seem to be largely gone :)

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