2.1.92 no good here

Bill West (wingman@synergy.dynip.com)
Wed, 1 Apr 1998 21:02:14 -0600 (CST)

Just got finished trying 2.1.92 and it runs like an april fools joke here

Get hundreds of the following just trying to boot....

synergy kernel: raising capabilities on `grep'(pid=180)[0302]:557115
synergy kernel: raising capabilities on `grep'(pid=181)[0302]:557115
synergy kernel: raising capabilities on `S21netstd_init'(pid=182)[0302
synergy kernel: raising capabilities on `S22netstd_misc'(pid=183)[0302
synergy kernel: raising capabilities on `S50ipportfw'(pid=184)[0302]:5
synergy kernel: raising capabilities on `ipportfw'(pid=185)[0302]:3401
synergy kernel: raising capabilities on `S50mysql'(pid=186)[0302]:5570
synergy kernel: raising capabilities on `mysqladmin'(pid=187)[0302]:18
synergy kernel: raising capabilities on `S89atd'(pid=189)[0302]:557084
synergy kernel: raising capabilities on `safe_mysqld'(pid=188)[0302]:5
synergy kernel: raising capabilities on `start-stop-daem'(pid=190)[030
synergy kernel: raising capabilities on `atd'(pid=190)[0302]:340125
synergy kernel: raising capabilities on `date'(pid=191)[0302]:557071
synergy kernel: raising capabilities on `rm'(pid=192)[0302]:557128

Plus a couple meg more of similar...got same things even shutting down for
reboot. PPP or anything else compiled as module didn't work.

Back on .91 now with no problems.

System is:
AMD K6-200
64M ram 100M swap
2 4G IDE hd's
nothing fancy or out of the ordinary....can send config and more logs if
anyone wants to see them.

Bill West
Houston TX
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