Re: GGI Project Unhappy On Linux

Khimenko Victor (
Mon, 30 Mar 1998 17:39:50 +0400 (MSD)

30-Mar-98 14:33 you wrote:
> OK. I'm asking a question: isn't it possible that some software protocol will
> be patented in a way that requires everyone willing to use it to buy licence?
Protocol itself -- no. Program, which will use this protocol -- yes. For example
it's enough to use LZW to compress before sending bytes throw cable and the goal
will be reached.

> In a word, if you discover the coca-cola recipe you can produce and sell it?
You could not say before you got them :-) If there are used some patented
things AND this could be avoided then -- no. In other cases -- yes, you could.
But you could not use name "coca-cola" for product ...

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