2.0.91 bad

George Bonser (grep@oriole.sbay.org)
Sat, 28 Mar 1998 01:26:06 -0800 (PST)

Compiled 2.0.91 while running the 2.0.90 kernel and a LOT of other stuff,
it was slow (486 with 16 Meg took 68 minutes) but 2.0.91 would not compile
while running 2.0.91 under the same conditions. It got to the
.../block/floppy driver and hung up. It was accessing disk about
twice/second. I waited about 30 minutes for that to complate and then
killed it. I am going to restart it to be sure that it was not some kind
of glitch.

George Bonser
Just be thankful that Microsoft does not manufacture pharmaceuticals.
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