Re: GGI Project Unhappy On Linux

Larry McVoy (
Thu, 26 Mar 1998 12:04:12 -0800

: If you need X then you need KGI.

I speak only for myself, but I suspect that all the other people that
run X daily without it crashing would agree with me.

I don't need KGI. I'm running X on everything from $5 garage sale Trident
ISA cards to 8MB #9 PCI cards and in th 4+ years that I've been running
it on Linux, it's never crashed. Not once.

It may well be that there are some (many?) cards out there that make X
crash systems. But I don't have any, and obviously there are a lot of
other cards that don't make the system crash. If this were not true,
X & Linux would be a huge problem.

It may well be that I don't run the apps that cause X to crash. But there
again, neither do a lot of other people, by far the vast majority.
If that weren't true, you'd see the world screaming about it. Go look
on dejanews and come back with the list of people complaining about
Linux and X crashing. (I did this by the way, and found very few hits.)

Please don't misunderstand me. I have no feelings about KGI one way or
the other. But I do know that /I/ don't need it. And I suspect that
the vast majority of Linux users feel the same way.

That doesn't mean it is bad and doesn't mean that it is good. I have
no opinion on that. All I know is that the statement quoted above is
false for me.

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