FW: 2.1.91 + netscape 4.04

Manuel J. Galan (manolow@step.es)
Fri, 27 Mar 1998 12:11:34 -0000 (WET)

Sorry it was with linux-2.1.91+Bill's fork_fd patch

-----FW: <XFMail.980327103856.manolow@step.es>-----

Date: Fri, 27 Mar 1998 10:38:56 -0000 (WET)
Sender: root@mgmux.ulpgc.es
From: "Manuel J. Galan" <manolow@step.es>
To: Linux Kernel List <linux-kernel@vger.rutgers.edu>
Subject: 2.1.91 + netscape 4.04

Netscape says on starting:

"Could not fopen() the new stderr, invalid file number"

Manuel J. Galan

--------------End of forwarded message-------------------------

Manuel J. Galan

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